Individual Therapy

One on One Therapy

Seeing a therapist does not mean that you are broken or even that you are in massive need of help. It simply means that you value living a flourishing life, can recognize when reality does not match up that, and are taking the necessary steps to realize your potential.

You may have already pinpointed exactly what it is that you are trying to work through. Perhaps you have a bit of a hunch. Or maybe all you know is that something doesn’t feel quite right. Whatever it is, we are glad that you’ve landed here.

But first, we want to tell you a little bit about why we think therapy is effective.

Most people are coming in to counseling because they have exhausted the other resources in their life. You’ve had some conversations with friends, read some blog posts, and spent some time reflecting on why things just don’t feel quite right. When that is the case we are usually in need of some more tools to get through what life is throwing at us.

Gain a new set of tools.

Imagine you are a carpenter working in your shop. You’ve got your trusty hammer, though it’s got a bit of rust on it, your battery powered drill, and a saw. Between the three of these, you feel like you can get a lot done. But as you start getting into more complex projects, you feel frustrated that you can’t accomplish all of the tasks at hand. Sometimes your drill doesn’t fit the angle you need. Your hammer can actually be too strong when attaching some material together, and the teeth on your saw only work for certain types of wood.

But then somebody comes into your shop and lays out a whole new set of tools. Turns out there are multiple types of saws. Attachments for your drill. This tape measurer seems pretty helpful and this random tool called a kreg jig. Suddenly you can do so much more!

The tools that you have in life have taken you this far and you are needing a few more. New ways to see your thoughts. Methods to calm distressing emotions. Ways to handle pain. Communicate differently. Slow down. Stay calm. Catch your mind when it starts spinning.

At Thrive, we look forward to the day when you look your therapist in the eye, walk out the door and say, “Thanks so much! I got exactly what I needed.” And you’re on your way, ready to tackle whatever it is life brings to you.

The journey isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it.

Take the next step

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