Self-harm relapse can feel discouraging, but it’s important to remember that recovery is a journey. It’s never too late to get back on track. Here’s what to do after you’ve had a self-harm relapse.
Sometimes, depression can get so severe that it gets in the way of your ability to work. If you’re struggling with this, then you might be entitled to protections and benefits. Here are the answers to all of your questions about depression and disability.
Is the lack of motivation from depression getting in the way of your success and joy in the workplace?
What values shape our existence and guide our choices?
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, patience often feels like a rare commodity.
Dare to lead with authenticity, and watch as your leadership journey transforms both yourself and those around you.
Everybody has mental health. Please, read that again.
"If you aren't paying for a product, you are the product."
Today, I'm pretty sure 98% of people would have the same sort of experience with having forgotten their phone at home.
I couldn’t remember why those things used to bring me joy, but that’s what happens in the middle of these depressive episodes.
Please let this be the last webpage/blog/video that you take in about this topic for the rest of the day.
Coaching people on how to get a raise from their respective employer is something that I've been doing for years.
One of the core tenant in the therapy I practice with people is acceptance: being able to accept what life gives us.
When it comes to working on our goals, simply change your internal and external language from "I have to do this" to "I do this."
That it is good to experience sadness and anger. They bring us gifts and inform us of our values.
For the sake of simplicity, I am going to ask you to consider in the midst of a depressive episode if you need to go up or down
Dissociation is something that our body naturally does and something that everybody experiences to some regard in their life.
With the time that we exist on this earth there are none who make it unscathed, and perhaps the only good news in that fact is that at least we are not alone.
Dissatisfaction means that we are looking at something and saying, this could be better.
We at times find ourselves unfamiliar of how to navigate the waters when one is experiencing great sorrow.
"Rarely does a response make something better. What makes something better is connection."
The language of anxiety always seemed to just make sense to me.
There are two simple ways that delight loses its power in our lives.
If you are never failing then you are never truly finding where your limits are.
There's time, money, and energy: you get to pick two.
"In the past, jobs were about muscles, now they're about brains, but in the future they'll be about the heart." - Minouche Shafik, director, London School of Economics.
I see so many people in my practice that tell me they were not allowed to fail growing up and the adverse effects if has had on them.
One of the core tenant in the therapy I practice with people is acceptance: being able to accept what life gives us.
Have you ever thought about what your perfectionism is costing you?
If your phone is the first thing you touch in the morning and the last thing you see at night, or if you find yourself taking your phone with you to the bathroom, you might want to listen up.
It is my belief that a value driven life is what helps us achieve our goals and live a full and flourishing life.
If you don’t want to or can’t take medication, your choice is valid. Fortunately, it’s possible to treat severe anxiety without medication — and some types of therapy can be even more effective than meds.
When you’re sleep-deprived, anxiety at night is the last thing you need. Here’s why anxiety can get worse at night, and how to get the restful sleep you deserve.
Navigating social anxiety at work can be tough. Here’s a guide on how to cope, including a list of some jobs for people with social anxiety and how to get treatment.
Anxiety among college students is at an all-time high. If you’re facing severe anxiety in college, you’re not alone – here, we’ll talk about ways you can cope with anxiety and enjoy your college experience.
Social media and anxiety have a deeply connected relationship. Could social media be making your anxiety worse, and can deleting it help? Here’s my take on it.
I could already feel my heart rate increasing as the blood flow in my body started to pick up.
Do you live a life where anxiety is going to thrive?
He told me, "I don't think I've ever experienced anxiety."
I began to feel the muscle tension taking place in my body.
The root of anxiety pretty much lies in one thing: uncertainty.
OCD obsessions can feel so real. But are they delusions, a sign of psychosis? And, if not, what’s the difference? Here’s everything you need to know about the relationship between OCD and psychosis.
Does severe OCD ever go away? There is no miracle cure, but that doesn't mean that you’ll live with such intense symptoms forever. Treatment can help you get your OCD symptoms to the point where it no longer feels like they’re controlling your life.
OCD can get so severe that you feel terrified of leaving your home. But staying in can actually be a compulsive behavior, and get you caught in an OCD loop. Here’s how to cope.
Have you heard of the OCD cycle? People with OCD can get caught in OCD thought loops, which drives them deeper and deeper into obsessions and compulsions. Here’s how you can break the OCD cycle with the help of OCD treatment.
Is OCD ruining your life? Unmanaged OCD symptoms can do that — but with treatment, you can limit the negative impact that OCD has on your life and reach all of your goals. In this blog, we walk you through 4 steps to take now if OCD is ruining your life.
For instance, most people with OCD had experienced the cycle of obsessions at some other point in their childhood, and it might have gone unnoticed or misdiagnosed.
All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.
"I'm so OCD." Agh! Even just the grammar of it is annoying.
Trigger warning. This blog talks specifically about upsetting intrusive thoughts. Please read at your own discretion.
If there were ever a mental health condition that met the criteria for being a "family disease," then it would be obsessive compulsive disorder.
If you’re feeling like the past trauma you’ve been through is ruining your relationship, you’re not alone. But there is a way to process trauma and unlearn the painful and untrue core beliefs that it may have caused.
Can trauma cause memory loss? Research shows that it sometimes can, but the relationship between trauma and memory loss is more complex than you may think. Here, we talk about the science behind trauma and memory loss and how to cope.
You may have heard of intergenerational trauma, or the idea that trauma can be passed down from one generation to the next. But is trauma genetic? Here’s the scientific explanation of epigenetic trauma, and how trauma can sometimes be passed down genetically.
Unresolved trauma can damage your relationships and keep you from having the healthy relationship you deserve.
She defines vulnerability to be "the emotion that we experience during times of uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure."
Truth be told, I am not a very patient person..
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