Patience and Making The Bed

February 23, 2023

Truth be told, I am not a very patient person. Most of my impatience comes out in the short term: being stuck in traffic, being in a line that is too long, or taking too much time to wash the dishes. Most of these things usually add at worst five minutes to my day, but during those five minutes I have an unpleasant experience.

I will look for anything to satiate my boredom, with my most chosen option being my phone.

My personal working definition of impatience is saying to yourself, "I cannot tolerate being in this moment."

I one day noticed in myself how I avoid making the bed because I do not want to take the required amount of time (75 seconds) to complete the task. Until one day I decided that I would allow this to be a time where I can grow in patience and slowing, two values that certainly need increasing in my life.

Each day, I attempt to make the bed slowly and neatly, without needing to escape that moment.

Our lives are made up of millions of small moments that are quite boring: making the bed, brushing our teeth, pumping gas, browning ground beef, tying little one's shoes, standing in line at the store..

Try and find yourself being extra present in these moments, not trying to rush through them and not trying to distract yourself by pulling out your phone. Can you be extra present, observant, and even thankful for these moments this week?

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