Maybe you’ve landed on this page as a last ditch effort to save something that feels beyond repair, or maybe you’re in a good place but want to go deeper.
Our role is not only to provide you with tools to help unstick you from that same pattern that you get into, but to help you identify that pattern and understand each of your roles that you play in your relationship. And to do that we offer an array of levels of care. Here is a brief overview of the options we provide.
Maybe you’ve landed on this as a last ditch effort to save something that feels beyond repair, or maybe you’re in a good place but want to go deeper.
Our role is not only to provide you with tools to help unstick you from that same pattern that you get into, but to help you identify that pattern and understand each of your roles that you play in your relationship.
A couples intensive is essentially accelerated couples therapy. Over a two-day period you will have 2 5-hour sessions to work to get underneath your conflict in a shorter amount of time. This is also ideal for couples whose schedules are limiting, making weekly options more challenging. These are sessions are facilitated with you, your partner and a couple of our licensed therapists. Couples Intensives are not group therapy.
Facilitating Therapists:
Prior to meeting for the intensive, a comprehensive intake assessment is required. This will be filled out electronically and aids in the therapists understanding of your relationship dynamics in order to set personalized goals for your intensive session. It also allows us to ensure you are a good fit for this type of format, and to get a better understanding of what needs to be prioritized during the intensive.
Cost for a 2-day session with two independently licensed and specialty trained clinicians: $3,250
2025 Dates Available:
Dates Already Reserved:
Thriving Couples provides a monthly date night dedicated to intentional strengthening of emotional connection in your relationship! Thriving Couples is an on-going monthly workshop geared towards couples who want to obtain and practice the skills needed to deepen their bond, side step future arguments, and improve connection and intimacy. Healthy, long lasting relationships require investing intentional time and attention to the partnership. In each workshop, couples will receive brief education about common topics and issues that we find couples getting stuck in such as trust, intimacy, communication, and so much more!
Each workshop session will include an educational lecture, experiential activities to support play, bonding, and practice of new skills, and time for discussion.
Key Objectives:
Thriving Couples Workshops are led by Cayla Bozovich, LPC and Lauren Mokarry, LPC. Cayla specializes in working with couples through an emphasis on understanding attachment and how to engage with our partners in a way that feels consistently safe and secure. Lauren specializes in trauma-informed approaches to therapy and brings an integration of knowledge and skills to support increased self awareness, emotional regulation and new experiential opportunities to rewrite the ways we interact with ourselves and our partners. Cayla and Lauren utilize EFT (emotion-focused therapy) with integration of additional trauma-informed modalities as their primary approach to couples work.
For information on upcoming dates and registration, head to our Group Therapy page!
If you feel like your relationship is at a 3 or 4 and you want it to be at a 9 or a 10, you are in the right place!
In this workshop you will receive education and guidance from a certified EFT and licensed couples therapist, watch video demonstrations with real-life couples, engage in exercises to develop new skills and support connection, and there will be opportunities for discussion and skill application. Snacks and light refreshments provided.
You'll walk away with:
For registration and more information head to our groups page!
One size just doesn't fit all. We pride ourselves on having options and therapists that specialize in many areas to best serve you.
Groups are an amazing way to do some great work at a fraction of the cost of traditional therapy. Perhaps you think the idea of joining a group sounds a bit intimidating. The truth is: IT IS! But we think we do some of our best work when we might feel a tad uncomfortable.
Our website is undergoing some maintenance from March 7, 2025 to March 10, 2025. If our contact form is not working the best way to reach us will be by emailing