Climbing Deeper Into The Acceptance Matrix

June 20, 2023

One of the core tenant in the therapy I practice with people is acceptance: being able to accept what life gives us.

In the past, I have sent out emails and given assignments asking others to take some practice in boredom and stillness by intentionally engaging in both of these. However, this leaves out an important piece of what it means to be good at accepting what life gives us.

The question becomes can you accept what life is giving you even when it's not what you planned for?

You may have noticed I did not send out a MMM on Monday.

I had planned to. It was going to be a good one too.

But my Monday got away from me. Unexpected phone call. Then another one. Earlier meeting then I was expecting. Then, boom: six sessions in a row.

It was 10:30 in the morning and looking at my calendar, the day had already escaped me. Nothing else would get done.

This was obviously not the plan. What would my millions of subscribers think?! But it was out of my control so I chose to accept it. Could I have planned better? Probably. Does Wednesday Mental Minute have the same ring to it? No.

How do you respond when things don't go according to plan? How do you want to respond?

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