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OCD obsessions can feel so real. But are they delusions, a sign of psychosis? And, if not, what’s the difference? Here’s everything you need to know about the relationship between OCD and psychosis.
Does severe OCD ever go away? There is no miracle cure, but that doesn't mean that you’ll live with such intense symptoms forever. Treatment can help you get your OCD symptoms to the point where it no longer feels like they’re controlling your life.
OCD can get so severe that you feel terrified of leaving your home. But staying in can actually be a compulsive behavior, and get you caught in an OCD loop. Here’s how to cope.
Have you heard of the OCD cycle? People with OCD can get caught in OCD thought loops, which drives them deeper and deeper into obsessions and compulsions. Here’s how you can break the OCD cycle with the help of OCD treatment.
Is OCD ruining your life? Unmanaged OCD symptoms can do that — but with treatment, you can limit the negative impact that OCD has on your life and reach all of your goals. In this blog, we walk you through 4 steps to take now if OCD is ruining your life.
For instance, most people with OCD had experienced the cycle of obsessions at some other point in their childhood, and it might have gone unnoticed or misdiagnosed.
All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.
"I'm so OCD." Agh! Even just the grammar of it is annoying.
Trigger warning. This blog talks specifically about upsetting intrusive thoughts. Please read at your own discretion.
If there were ever a mental health condition that met the criteria for being a "family disease," then it would be obsessive compulsive disorder.
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