Trauma 202

Trauma 202 is a group for those who have completed Trauma 101 and are looking to practice application of the resources and themes that are presented in the 101 level.

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February 12, 2025
April 2, 2025

Group Meeting Schedule

Wednesdays | 5:30pm - 7:00pm

See description below for meeting schedule


Thrive offices (click for map)
For more information see description below or contact organizer.


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Group Description

Trauma 202 is a group for those who have completed Trauma 101 and are looking to practice application of the resources and themes that are presented in the 101 level.

This group continues to focus on creating a safe relational space to actively discuss and practice with new skills and resources toward the objective of establishing an increased sense of safety and agency in the body. Rather than following a set curriculum, Trauma 202 group work is uniquely structured to the specific needs of the group of individuals who come together for each new round.

Common themes explored and practiced in Trauma 202 work include:

  • Effective communication skills (connecting strategies vs. disconnecting strategies; opportunities to practice skills in real time during group)
  • Conflict management (specific skills for bringing up conflict, responding to conflict, navigating apologies, understanding when to regulate versus when to communicate, and getting through a productive conversation amidst conflict)
  • Internal boundaries (skills for the way we manage our own time, energy, self-talk, emotional reactivity/regulation, etc.)
  • Interpersonal boundaries (skills for clearly identifying what we want/need, expressing explicit requests, and identifying action steps we will take if requests are not honored)
  • Emotional processing (skills for feeling and processing specific emotions and related needs, i.e. anger, fear, pain, shame, guilt)
  • Regulation skills and resources (reviewing when we need to regulate to get back into our window versus when we're in the window enough to use communication skills; reviewing and practicing specific resources to help with self-regulation)

Trauma work is generally composed of four (not necessarily linear) phases:

  1. Psychoeducation (learning what trauma is; learning how the mind/body attempts to protect itself to maintain functioning after trauma; learning about new resources that help us more effectively navigate trauma work) *Trauma 101 Group
  2. Expanding our window of tolerance through ongoing practice with using new resources *Trauma 202 Group
  3. Processing our individual trauma *Individual therapy
  4. Integration of new sense of self and continued use of skills into present/future life dynamics *Trauma 202 Group

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Specialized Courses
Made By Therapists

Why Groups Work

Perhaps you think the idea of joining a group sounds a bit intimidating. The truth is: IT IS! But we think we do some of our best work when we might feel a tad uncomfortable. We offer classes in a variety of different areas:


For those who are trying to learn more about themselves, go deeper, and enhance their toolkit on life.


For those who want to take their relationship from a 4 or a 5 to a 10.


Classes for as young as 2-5 all the way up to high school.


Classes focused around anxiety, depression, trauma, mood, OCD, and more.

FAQ about Groups

Why do I sign up for the entire 8 or 10 weeks? Why can’t I just come in every now and then?
Are these the only groups you offer?
Is group therapy as beneficial as individual therapy?
How do I know which group to sign up for?
What if I don’t like a group?

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