Lets Talk About Sex P2 | Episode 30

July 8, 2024

In today’s continuation of our last episode, Lets Talk About Sex, Colter joins Cayla and Lauren to dive deeper into the relationship aspect of our sex lives, and how we can better understand our partners to make our sex lives feel safer, improve communication, and hopefully help bring some spontaneity back into the bedroom.

Key Discussion Points:

  • The Sexual Cycle: Are you Patrick the Pursuer in your sexual relationship, or Wendy the Withdrawer? Maybe you are the Pursuer or Withdrawer in the emotional aspect of your relationship, but when it comes to the sexual cycle, you might be the complete opposite. We dive into gender roles, rejection, vulnerability and how it affects our connection in our intimate relationships.
  • The Three Types of Sex (According to Expert Sue Johnson): What are the three types of sex? Some are in it more for the pleasurable aspect of sex, without the need for connection. Others are in it for their emotional needs, which makes them feel more valued and gives them reassurance. Then there’s the perception we get from Hollywood (well, some of it) about what true connection is, emotionally and physically.
  • Sexual Safety: Wendy told Patrick, NO. Patrick did not respond in a way that made Wendy feel safe. How do we create a healthy environment to have vulnerable conversations? Have we truly navigated our own personal intimate needs in order to do so?
  • Individuation: Why it is SO IMPORTANT to acknowledge we are going to be different in our sexual relationships and accepting it in ways that make our partner confident to be vulnerable.
  • Scheduling Sex: The pros? It means you’re putting in the work. The cons? Maybe it causes you to overthink. Maybe it doesn’t feel sexy anymore. But if we changed our perception and thought of it like a date, might we enjoy it more? We put the work into other aspects of out life, why can’t we do the same when it comes to sex?

This is another fun episode that will provide so much insight into how we all approach the sexual aspect of our relationship and provide some homework to all couples on how to navigate meeting each other in the middle (or the bedroom).

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