Relational Injuries | Episode 17

April 8, 2024

Today we dive into Relational Injuries! Relational injuries come in all kinds of relationships and we will cover what it is, and how it happens. We explore the distinction between relational injuries and typical relationship challenges. And we will teach you how to recognize when a situation escalates to a relational injury.

Once we know what relational injuries are, we will discuss the expectations of having relationships with other people. We will dive into the way to manage expectations and have a healthy ability of navigating injuries effectively as they come.

We will walk through the way to apologize and take responsibility for the way that we didn’t meet a need in our partners, along with the role of accountability and remorse in the healing process; teaching clear communication and how to rebuild trust and intimacy at the same time.

Listen to our therapists’ role play some examples of painful responses to a partner expressing their missed need, as well as an example of the “right” kind of response.

Speaking of intimacy, we will walk through the concept of the intimacy pyramid as a framework for rebuilding intimacy after a relational injury.

And finally, we will cover how to move forward. How we find hope after relational injuries, and we will share proven strategies for rebuilding trust and connection.

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